So I was glad as unprepared I was to be there and see it. Have in mind I am trying to keep Benjamin quite and film at the same time. I still need to take pictures of him at his teachers.. but I thought it was funny to hear what improvised his teacher said about him.. I laughed! "He is a cool kid.."Best of all, he enjoyed those words to described him. "Mami, I am a cool kid!"
So although he was included originally, at the end they did and Samuel as not center of attention as he likes to be, he did good.
They also sang the welcome song they do at the daycare every morning..
He sure has enjoyed the social aspect and other ones too, like learning "how flip off his middle finger" (cool bath for that one), or how a girl who likes him every now and then, tells him they will get married someday.. (cute part is that he adds "in the temple") However, he is starting to miss being at home in the mornings, so it will be good when we go back and new routine for all of us.. Sorry Benjamin, we had fun together while it lasted ;)