Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Thursday, October 29, 2009


The Ross Spouses Organization is having lots of activities for all the children too on Saturday on campus too. Here in Dominica, they dont do halloween, so with even more reason I am planning on taking them to these activities.
I asked Samuel what costume he wanted to make. At first he said a ghost, then he said "no, too scary", haha, so, he decided to be a robot.. he was soooo excited with the idea.. He started telling me what materials to use, etc.. So I said to do a design on paper first. And later in the week we would put it together, but no. He was full of ideas and couldnt stop talking about it. So, here is what we put together in a rough design.

Of course, he didnt think how hot would be walking around campus at 1 pm covered with boxes etc.. we will see how resourceful we get...

Well, on sunday I decided to take some pictures walking home from church.. then you get to see a little of the scenary we see every sunday at least.. is a little different going to campus since it is the opposite direction. When we got out it was pretty sunny and hot of course..

Then as we got closer to home it started raining.. surprise suprise.. cant tell that much but Jay got wet and I had the umbrella but with the wind you still get wet.. we also walked with the missionaries, so we had good company.. and the kids.. well...

Grandma's poncho saved the day again! The even fell asleep with it.. nothing to see, what else but rest.

That saturday we had some of Jay's friends from MERP over for dinner, it was their birtday for two of them so.. they loved it, besides, like my banana and wheat bread so much that ask me to sell them weekly to them.. well see how it goes.. Samuel was soo excited with the extra attention.. especially Sonika his favorite since she has babysat before for us in order to go on dates.. doesnt his face look priceless?

The other day while Benjamin was taking a nap, Samuel was being creative with his blocks, especially knowning his brother wasnt coming to grab or kick them.. it started as a racetrack and ended on a pathway for the ball in the bucket..

Another evening with kids playing with favorite toy (Samuel's transformer) and laying with daddy watching some sports..
This is how cute Benjamin is when he wakes up from his nap.. just being spontaneous..

Our Landlord Mrs Judith Mitchell, has 3 boys and a girl. The youngest is 21 but two still live at home. Lulu is the only daughter, and she loves playing with Samuel, everytime Samuel hears her voice he jumps to the door to yell -"Hi Lulu!". Well, she asked me if they could play just outside of the house and if you have seen pictures there is not much lawn or any flat area that is not with concrete for Samuel to play "safe with Benjamin out too". So Samuel excited went out with her and played throwing the ball and then kicking it for a while.. he had a great time.. even getting the ball when it went too far..
One night playing with daddy, they realized how cool was to spin the ball in a medium bucket.. Benjamin thought it was hilarious...

Another time Jay was trying to teach Benjamin to spin.. pretty funny..

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Frogs, tent, buckets..

These last weeks have gone slow actually. Benjamin got a pretty runny nose.. wasnt sure if it was a cold or his front teeth coming in, so I just decided to keep them home for preventetive reasons with so many other little ones around here.

I thought the high chair was the reason Samuel would sometimes fall asleep while eating.. but, I discovered it is the combination of being tired and hungry..

On another note.. his bathroom has adopted a little frog.. we had found it already 3 times.. it is so little is hard to notice.. but Samuel did.. of course. Then he asked, "can I keep it please??!!" and I said no buddy, there are plenty of crabs and lizards just out of the house to have a pet.. however, we took pictures of it.

Being at home can get a little hot, but still we try to enjoy ourselves, and the kids are great at it. Especially when I unlock the doors of the entertainment center.. Or Samuel and making his "tent", which can get hot with all the things he likes to put around..

The other day Samuel was using a show to kick his football, and when Benjamin saw him, he wanted to do it too..

My cutie.. here is another try in action..

However, the buckets still their favorite, well at least Benjamin's.. He just plays and giggles..

Trying to get his brother is funner though..