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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Frogs, tent, buckets..

These last weeks have gone slow actually. Benjamin got a pretty runny nose.. wasnt sure if it was a cold or his front teeth coming in, so I just decided to keep them home for preventetive reasons with so many other little ones around here.

I thought the high chair was the reason Samuel would sometimes fall asleep while eating.. but, I discovered it is the combination of being tired and hungry..

On another note.. his bathroom has adopted a little frog.. we had found it already 3 times.. it is so little is hard to notice.. but Samuel did.. of course. Then he asked, "can I keep it please??!!" and I said no buddy, there are plenty of crabs and lizards just out of the house to have a pet.. however, we took pictures of it.

Being at home can get a little hot, but still we try to enjoy ourselves, and the kids are great at it. Especially when I unlock the doors of the entertainment center.. Or Samuel and making his "tent", which can get hot with all the things he likes to put around..

The other day Samuel was using a show to kick his football, and when Benjamin saw him, he wanted to do it too..

My cutie.. here is another try in action..

However, the buckets still their favorite, well at least Benjamin's.. He just plays and giggles..

Trying to get his brother is funner though..

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