It had a little water area with duckies, boats and little shooting "fire fighting hoses".. Benjamin is all about playing with water.. he really enjoyed it so much he wouldn't want to go any other section for a while. Across from it was a little "Grocery Store" with carts, all kinds of boxed products as well as produce area. When Benjamin saw the fruits he thought they were real.. haha. Once Samuel had his cart full, he brought it to the best cashier.. daddy. And then a walk through a little house with rooms and beds and tables and a farm..
After that there was a little gym area with pretend feeding area.. what is the first thing Benjamin grabs? Yes, the vacuum. He has a fascination for machines, especially the noise ones. He gets sooo excited every time we vacuum, it's hilarious!
He also saw the balls but overwhelmed with all the stuff decided to go get the bubbles and then wandered off..
Then he saw this "tractor" although it looked more like a truck and with his serious face and focused kept driving it and pushing buttons.
So we went to the second floor exhibition. Last year was Elmo with Sesame Street friends and the human body. This year, is Construction Zone. Got to say Benjamin wasn't as impressed because didn't understand what most of the stuff was for. But Samuel sure had a blast.
First a ramp with a little crane and lots of blocks to push around.. both enjoyed that.
Then building the wood house and pipe line. Don't forget to use a hard hat...
Who said pink houses are only for girls? Then the bathrooms and electric wiring (dad's favorite, Benjamin's least favorite because of a buzzing sound), as well as working with screws and hammers.. Benjamin loved the hammer.
Samuel was so proud he was wearing a hard hat and was carrying a "sharp tool". They had a little house with all kinds of tools, hats, belts and aprons but he only chose these. Light tool worker..
Then the sand area. They had two one with little toy dump trucks and the other with a shovel and.. that big... whatever is called. And of course big boys go with big toys..
They also had the designing area. I remembered my dad on this one. Being an architect, he would have enjoyed this part. Even Benjamin tried too..
And last the favorite of Benjamin.. the parachutes.. they had a magnet to attached to a rope which was connected to a pulley, and manually you had to get it to the top where once reached the magnet got moved and the parachute would come down. I lost count how many times Jay did it for Benjamin to watch and catch. It was fun.
I got a little video but was in the wrong spot since couldn't get the kids reaction because I was behind Jay..
Before leaving, I took a picture of some true exhibitions (don't touch type) made of little wood blocks.. amazing.
Finally, we went back downstairs and enjoyed the light piano, balls, boat and more..