Carla, my-mother-in-law, serves in our Church as a Cub scout leader.. and knowing how much Samuel loves to be involved with older kids and scouts, she tries to let us tag along on the 4th Thursday of every month for their pack meeting, since is not just her little group but all the stake cub scouts combined.
The last two months have been MEMORABLE!!
I will start with the most recent since is the funniest one..
For this month they decided to have a "Fiesta" with pinatas and Mexican dinner.. and my dear Carla decided to volunteer us for the entertainment.. That we could dance..
For those of you who don't know, I was involved in a multicultural dance group (Remembering Our Culture) back in 2002-2003. It was an amazing experience.. and a missionary opportunity through our dancing and firesides.. Now, did you noticed it almost has been 10 years? Crazy long.. rusted for sure..
So I put together a cumbia from my country (Colombia by the way, don't get fooled by the Mexican flag in the background) with Samuel and Benjamin.. I showed them some videos I had.. to get the idea.. Samuel enjoyed it for a day and then he expressed his fear of public and rejected the offer. However, that day (pack meeting) he decided he would do it. I told him to only look at me and then he would be fine. So, if you know Benjamin, he is the social magnet.. and loves attention. So i figured he wouldn't do much.. but what i didn't count on was what happened:
Here are some pictures.. and of course a video.. I still cant stop laughing.. too funny.
Samuel did sooooooooo awesome.. for not liking to be the center of attention (unless is for sport skills) he amazed me! Benjamin however, was excited at first with the flute.. and then he just decided he had enough of the outfit, dance and all. So he finally slips and falls in his intend of getting my attention to pick him up.. So I did, and just kept dancing with him on my side as you can tell.. it was fun..
Good memories.. I just love my boys!!!!!!!
Here is a little video..
Benjamin decided to be part of it by blowing his flute during my teaching moment.. haha
Of course, the pay off for all this was the pinata afterwards.. candy galore..
During January is the Pine Derby competition.. and Samuel was excited to paint (with help) his own BYU car.. to include Benjamin, he used his uncle's old car.. which, at this age the fact that has wheels and rolls is all that matters.
During January is the Pine Derby competition.. and Samuel was excited to paint (with help) his own BYU car.. to include Benjamin, he used his uncle's old car.. which, at this age the fact that has wheels and rolls is all that matters.