Whether it was at Matix and Hawken's house..
Or Keira's house..We both enjoyed going and playing for a couple of hours. Sometimes it was just two gubbers who seemed to be the greatest match to get in trouble quickly.. That would be Benjamin and Matix, who are only 3 days apart. Matix being the oldest.Of course, we couldn't leave Shane left out.. except for the fact the he truly was helping Benjamin be more affectionate since Benjamin is going through the not-so-fun-hitting-fase. Sorry Shane. :(But overall, they had fun, even with the girls.. well, fighting over toys or with sticks.. They still spent time with them in different places, like couches, floors, game centers, under ping pong tables, pool..
Or at restaurants, movie time, school, or even birthday parties.
My favorite though, is to know that friendship doesn't care about age. Our boys have been sooo blessed to make great "older" friends.. and not only admire them but learn from them as well.
Thank you all for being such good friends to our little ones and help them be better children.. It definitely has blessed their lives by being part of a community, a circle of people who all speak the same language no matter where we go and where they are from.. the language of love and the bond of friendship.